Unleash Your Voice: Contribute to EssenceDaily Today

Are you passionate about sharing your knowledge with the world? Do you have a unique perspective or insightful narrative to offer? Look no further! EssenceDaily invites writers like you to join our mission of bringing fresh perspectives, engaging stories, and compelling content to a global audience.

Why Contribute to EssenceDaily?

Visibility: Gain recognition and establish your voice by showcasing your work to our extensive readership.

Community: Become part of a network of writers committed to quality and innovation in blogging.

Professional Growth: Enhance your writing portfolio and credibility as a trusted author in your chosen fields.

Our Content Standards

At Essence Daily, we uphold the highest standards of writing and content quality. Here’s what we expect from every article:

Length: Each piece must be 800+ words, ensuring depth and detail.

Originality: No plagiarism allowed. Your submission must be your original work.

Authenticity: We value the unique voice that only human experience and insight can provide. No content written by artificial intelligence (AI) will be accepted.

Research: Substantiate your claims and ideas with proper hyperlinks to reputable sources.

Relevance: Only include hyperlinks that enhance or corroborate the content.

Submission Guidelines

Ready to share your expertise with the world? Follow these guidelines to ensure your article is ready for the spotlight:

Content Quality: Your article should be informative, well-researched, and relevant to one of our preferred topics.

Formatting: Submit your article in a Microsoft Word document or Google Docs, with appropriate headings and subheadings.

Hyperlinking: Incorporate hyperlinks to authoritative and relevant sources.

Bio and Disclosure: Include a brief author bio at the end of your article and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Editing: Our editorial team reserves the right to edit your submission for clarity, tone, and style.

How to Submit Your Article

If your article meets the above criteria, we would love to review it. Here’s how to submit:

Email: Send your article to editorial@essencedaily.com with the subject line “Article Submission: [Your Article Title]”.

Attachment: Attach your article and bio in the appropriate formats as outlined above.

Review: Allow us 24 hours to review your submission. We will get in touch if your article is selected for publication.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to EssenceDaily and look forward to receiving your valuable insights. Please note that submission does not guarantee publication, but we will give every article a fair review.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. Unleash your voice and make an impact with EssenceDaily today!